

Discover all the hints and tips to ensure that you are well prepared for your journey into finding your dream job. This page is entirely dedicated to you.

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  • CV Advice

    Probably phrases you have heard a lot during your job search and everyone will have their own opinion, and the majority of the advice you’ll hear will be a personal choice. After years of reading hundreds and thousands of CVs we feel we’re pretty well placed to give you our opinion on what makes a good CV. These are Gecko’s top tips

  • What Is A Counter Offer?

    A counter offer is an employer’s effort to retain their employee after they have handed in a resignation letter. A counter offer will usually promise an increase in salary and is designed to make you reconsider leaving the business. There are many reasons an employer will make a counter offer, and often it has little to do with you as an individual. The most common reasons a business will try to retain a member of staff are:

  • Congratulations on securing your interview!

    Over the years, technology advances have allowed employers to offer greater flexibility with interviews. Regardless of the format, it is important to prepare fully. Here are some of our top tips to help you prepare and hopefully make you feel confident for your interview, whether it’s a traditional face to face or online interview. Make sure you have a copy of the job description for the role you are being interviewed for, read it over and over again to ensure that you have a clear understanding of the responsibilities.