
Congratulations on securing your interview!

Over the years, technology advances have allowed employers to offer greater flexibility with interviews. Regardless of the format, it is important to prepare fully. Here are some of our top tips to help you prepare and hopefully make you feel confident for your interview, whether it’s a traditional face to face or online interview.

Pre-interview tips checklist

  • Make sure you have a copy of the job description for the role you are being interviewed for, read it over and over again to ensure that you have a clear understanding of the responsibilities.
  • For each point of the job description, have an example ready where you can demonstrate these skills – Don’t worry if you can’t match all of the areas covered, but instead, try and think of some personal skills, values or interests that would add value and are relevant to that particular aspect of the job and tell the interviewer about it at the interview.
  • Do make sure that you highlight your strengths and experiences during the interview, keep it relevant but have in the back of your mind what it is you want to get across and emphasise this in your answers. If by the end of the interview you do not feel you have covered your points off, then ask your interview panel if there is time for you to discuss this further.
  • Follow their social media channels – LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. This is a great way to get a feel for their tone of voice as a business.
  • Research your interview panel using LinkedIn as a tool. Who are they? What is their job role? Also check out their meet the team pages on the company website.
  • Utilise the travel media websites to research any news articles on the company, which could be anything from new products they may be launching, recent acquisitions or a change in their leadership. Are there any posts, views or opinions that they may have published which could help you with your interview preparation?
  • Think about your wardrobe, are you interviewing with a business that expects a suited and booted candidate or will this approach be frowned upon and a more casual smart wardrobe would suit their company culture? Your Gecko Travel Recruitment consultant will be able to guide you on this.
  • Research the company, ensuring you understand their product offering, company history and values.
  • Anticipate some questions which you may be asked, then practise your response. Your consultant at Gecko Travel Recruitment will provide you with some of these questions to get your started.

What to take to your interview?

  • A few copies of your CV.
  • If you’re asked to do a presentation for your interview, take hard copies with you in case of any technical hitches, so that you and the interview panel have something to refer to as you talk through it.
  • If you are interviewing for a sales or account management role, take stats with you so you can demonstrate your successes.
  • If you have any personal references, this is also something that could endorse your work and professionalism.
  • If you are interviewing for a marketing or PR role, take along some examples of your work to showcase what you have produced.


Make sure you have planned your journey and given yourself enough time. Do a practice run if need be.

Interview techniques checklist

It’s the day of the interview and this is where all your preparation is really going to pay off.

  • Firstly, have an early night and set your alarm. If you have a longer journey for your interview then consider staying in a hotel the night before.
  • Don’t be late! Arrive 10 to 15 minutes early and use this time to take in the atmosphere and get a feel for the office.
  • Dress appropriately and make sure you feel comfortable. It’s now your time to shine.
  • A firm hand shake with your interview panel and a big smile, this will go a long way. First impressions are so important.
  • Be you and the best version of you, you may be nervous but take a deep breath – you’ve got this! It may sound silly, but if you’re offered a drink accept it as it will give you that small window to take a breath, and get comfortable. Sit up and relax.
  • Listen carefully to the questions you are being asked, take a moment to reply and think back to the examples you have prepared. Keep to the point and try not to waffle!
  • Know your CV inside out, more likely than not you will be asked to talk through your career. If you have any gaps in your CV, explain these honestly.
  • Do not interrupt the interviewer.
  • Ultimately, the interview panel are going to want to know if
    1. You can do the the job
    2. You are a good cultural fit
    3. Gauge your enthusiasm for the job.
  • Have your questions ready, some of these may have been answered during the interview so may not be relevant, but be prepared for this.
  • As the interview comes to a close, ask the panel if there is anything they would like you to elaborate on.

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