
Happy 1st Birthday to us!

Gecko Travel Recruitment is 1 year old!

It sure has been a rollercoaster ride getting here, but we are incredibly proud of what we have achieved so far.

In August 2020, like so many others, we found ourselves without permanent jobs in the middle of a global pandemic. So, it was off to Tesco for me and Waitrose for Lucy!

Going from a desk job to a very active job working in a busy supermarket sure was a shock to the system. This was the best thing we could have done in our circumstances though, leaving the house to go out to work where we were doing something that was genuinely helping others, was truly humbling. I am sure I speak for Lucy too when I say that I would do it again in a heartbeat.

In February 2021 when the travel industry started showing green shoots, we decided to follow our dreams and start to set up on our own! We were hit with setback after setback and faced some pretty major learning curves.

Fast forward to April 2021 when we launched Gecko Travel Recruitment, exciting times right?! Yes 1 million percent but also equally as terrifying. We both held our supermarket jobs until the time came that we felt we could really take the plunge. We had no funding or financial help; it was just the two of us with our sheer determination and will to get us to where we wanted to be. During this time, we worked 12 hour days, 6 days a week, holding down two jobs, oh and some home-schooling was thrown in there for good measure too! It was hectic and we were exhausted and some days we weren’t sure if travel recruitment would ever return to pre-pandemic levels or if it was even going to happen for us.

Obviously, it did happen! Of course! and by 2022 we were both full time in the business and we’ve never looked back.

Our beloved travel industry is back, and we are doing what we love again. Of course, this in no way could be possible without our highly valued clients and candidates. We also have our fan club who show us support every single day either with a like or a share of our posts on social media, or by referring us to someone they know is recruiting for travel staff. For this, we are eternally grateful and want to say a huge thank you!!

So here is to year 2, we don’t know what rollercoaster ride is in store for us, but we’re excited to find out!

Bianca & Lucy x

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