
Happy New Year 2024

As 2023 comes to a close, we’ve taken some time to reflect on what the year has meant to Gecko Travel Recruitment.

In travel recruitment we saw an extremely buoyant year with peaks and troughs, but what was very clear was that confidence is back in the market. Candidates are putting the feelers out and businesses are continuing to invest in their people.

We grew our team with the addition of Clair Rogers and we are delighted with how well she’s slotted straight in. You’ll start to see and hear more from Clair over the coming weeks as we focus on promoting her incredible finance expertise and travel industry knowledge.

We launched a new website which was 2 years ahead of when we had planned to, and we’re so proud of it! It’s a reflection of us as individuals and our fun industry.

We have had record months of placements with incredible individuals securing their dream roles and we are enjoying watching their careers flourish! Our client pool has grown and we are boasting over 85% repeat business from our clients, some of which are exclusive to Gecko Travel Recruitment!

So what does 2024 have in store? More of the same really, if it’s not broke why try to fix it? We hope to continue supporting our existing clients with their exciting growth plans, whilst continuing to establish new partnerships within the travel & tourism industry.

We look forward to supporting candidates with their job search, whether that be presenting new opportunities to them or just offering advice to help them find their dream job!

Thank you to everyone that has been part of chapter 2023. We are excited for the next one...


Lucy, Bianca and Clair x

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