
Hiring Managers – This is how you can stay proactive in the hiring process

Hiring Managers – This is how you can stay proactive in the hiring process.

In the fast-paced world of travel recruitment, the mantra 'Don't rest on your laurels' has never rung truer. While many companies invest time and resources into crafting their own job advertisements, there's an often overlooked strategy that can significantly expedite the hiring process: partnering with a recruiter from the get-go.

As the business development expert here at Gecko Travel Recruitment, I often encounter businesses that prefer to wait until their job adverts have run their course before considering the assistance of a travel recruiter. However, this delay is certainly costing you time and money, not to mention this approach increases the possibility of missing out on top travel talent.

Here's a few reasons why we think that collaborating with a travel recruiter alongside your own advert is a winning strategy:

  1. Proactive Approach to Recruitment

Waiting for your job advertisement to generate responses can slow down the hiring process. Recruiters, operating on a contingency basis, are motivated to deliver results promptly. They actively seek out qualified candidates, ensuring that your company stays ahead in the competitive talent market.

  1. Contingency-Based Partnership

One of the key advantages of working with a recruiter is the contingency-based fee structure. This means that you only pay when a successful candidate is introduced. This alignment of interests ensures that recruiters are dedicated to finding the best fit for your company, making it a low-risk, high-reward collaboration.

  1. Wider Reach and Access to Networks

Recruitment agencies have established networks and databases that can significantly expand your reach. By tapping into their connections, you gain access to a broader pool of qualified candidates, including those who might not have come across your job advert.

  1. Speedier Recruitment Process

Time is of the essence in the hiring game. With a recruiter working in tandem with your advert, you're essentially covering all bases simultaneously. This synergy accelerates the recruitment process, reducing the risk of losing top talent to competitors who are moving faster.

  1. Expertise in Candidate Assessment

Recruiters are skilled in evaluating candidates not just based on their qualifications but also on cultural fit and soft skills. Their expertise ensures that the individuals presented to you are not only qualified on paper but are also likely to thrive within your organisational culture.

So our advice would be...don't wait for your adverts to exhaust their run – consider working with a specialist recruiter from the outset. By doing so, you not only enhance your chances of securing the best talent, but you could speed up the entire recruitment process. It's a strategy that many successful companies embrace, recognising the invaluable benefits it brings to their teams and overall business success.

If you are looking to partner with the travel recruitment professionals at Gecko Travel Recruitment, please get in touch today. 

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