
Spilling the beans - by Clair

I'm spilling the beans on my first six months in the recruitment game, and let me tell you, it's been a rollercoaster of emotions, surprises, and a whole lot of coffee.

So, let's dive into the highs, lows, and headscratchers of my journey so far....

Making Connections: First things first, the love. And oh boy, there's been a lot of it! What I've absolutely adored is getting to know lots of amazing people—candidates and clients alike. It's like speed dating but for jobs. Every conversation is a new adventure, and I've met some truly fantastic folks on this ride. Helping people land their dream roles at fantastic companies has been the highlight of my days. There's a certain joy in connecting the perfect candidate with their ideal job—it's like being a job cupid.

The Surprises That Left Me Scratching My Head: First up, the ghosters. You know, those people who disappear into thin air after you've worked your magic and scored them an interview? A little courtesy would be nice, right? I got you the interview, the least you could do is send a courtesy 'thanks but no thanks' text. Then there are the hiring managers who think that giving feedback is optional. As recruiters we work miracles and conjure up the perfect candidate, but a little constructive criticism for the interviewee is too much to ask? It's a head-scratcher. Constructive criticism won't hurt, and it might just help candidates grow. And let's not forget the marathons some companies put candidates through. I get it, finding the right fit is crucial, but is a four-stage interview process the right thing? It's exhausting for everyone involved, and I can't help but wonder if we're weeding out potential superstars in the process. Great candidates will not be in the market long and although your business may be amazing, other companies that move quicker are more likely to snap up your unicorn candidate!

Final thoughts: So, there you have it—my first six months in the thrilling world of travel industry recruitment. It's been a whirlwind of highs, surprises, and a fair share of head-scratching moments. But I wouldn't trade it for the world. The chance to connect awesome people with amazing opportunities has been a real adventure, and I'm strapping in for the long haul.

Clair x 

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