
The crucial role of candidate feedback

In the fast-paced and competitive world of the travel industry, where reputations are built on exceptional customer experiences, it's surprising how often companies overlook the importance of providing interview feedback to candidates.

Candidate feedback is key for us as travel recruiters, and we are finding that more and more hiring managers are not prioritising this important step in the hiring process, which beyond being a mere formality, can actually help protect and enhance their brand image.

Not only that, but travel companies that offer valuable post-interview feedback are likely to earn a reputation as employers who genuinely care about their candidates' growth and development.

There are many reasons we believe that providing candidate feedback is crucial, but here are our top 4:

1. Enhancing Candidate Experience: The candidate experience is a critical aspect of the recruitment process. Providing feedback, even if it's constructive criticism, shows that your travel organisation values and respects the time and effort candidates invest in the application process.

2. Building a Positive Employer Brand: In the travel industry, where word-of-mouth and online reviews can make or break a business, a positive employer brand is indispensable. Job seekers often research a company's reputation before applying, and a lack of feedback or negative reviews regarding the hiring process can put potential candidates right off

3. Red Flags: In a small industry like travel, where professionals often move within the same circles, word spreads quickly. A failure to provide feedback can signal to candidates that your organisation lacks communication skills or, worse, does not value its employees. This can create red flags for potential candidates, causing them to question the company culture and their future prospects within the organisation

4. Attracting Top Talent: Considering the current candidate shortage we’re experiencing in the travel industry, without effective feedback, high-calibre candidates may choose to steer clear of organisations that appear indifferent to their applicants. By offering insightful feedback, you signal a commitment to professional development and improvement, making your company more appealing to top talent.

Providing interview feedback is a two-way street. Just as candidates benefit from insights into their performance, employers can gain valuable information about their recruitment processes which can highlight areas for improvement, helping organisations streamline their hiring process.

Hiring for your travel business, we know travel! reach out to Gecko Travel Recruitment today.

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