
You snooze, you lose!

Now more than ever, recruitment is a candidate driven market.

The Covid- 19 pandemic forced us all to re-assess and rethink our daily tasks and while it took a while to get used to, many people started to reap the benefits of working from home. There was no daily commute, increased time spent with family and more time to think about how they wanted to continue their lives and what they wanted to achieve.

A popular newspaper survey stated that 60% of people had said the pandemic caused them to reassess their career goals & we all know too well that shortage of staff is an issue for the travel sector.

So as a Recruitment Manager on the hunt for quality travel talent, it may be time to step up your game. We see it so often, Recruitment Managers dragging their heels, but believe me when I say that the key to a successful recruitment journey is momentum.

Ok, so Recruiters have a bad reputation, and some deservedly but I know how we do things and before you even receive a CV from us, we’ve already invested a huge amount of time getting to this point.

You are busy? absolutely, but these candidates are hot to trot, champing at the bit, ready and willing so let’s get the wheels in motion. Pick up the phone, talk through the candidates, lets decide the shortlist, after all I now know these candidates well. An assignment that is turned around in 2-3 weeks from advert to offer is far more enjoyable for everyone involved and, very importantly, will actually save you time and money in the long run.

Keeping candidates ‘warm’ while you continue to interview is like saying to someone you’re dating “I really like you but sit tight whilst I meet some more people to be sure”. Talk about a way to lose their interest! So my advice to you is to hire with a sense of urgency, a lot of top travel talent are interviewing for multiple roles, so if you find a person you like and want to hire – snap them up fast!

Hiring for your travel business, we know travel! reach out to Gecko Travel Recruitment today or follow us on LinkedIn

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